MARC Series Race #6 – TajMaHO

MARC Shares Billing with the ECC

Suffield, Connecticut, February 4, 2012 – Twenty racers made it to TajMaHO only to learn that their host, Dan DiCosmo would not be racing with them that day.  Dan had a last minute schedule change so he graciously opened his door to us while he departed for a show – what a guy…  The race day promised to be busy as we were not only running two races for MARC but a third race for the East Coast Championship (ECC) to be contested with Compression Molded Polymer Magnet (CMPM) Modifieds. 


While practice was underway for the Modifieds on the Scorpion, the first event of the day kicked off on the Clubman track – Lexan bodied G-Jets.  With 18 participants, the field was broken up into two round robins of 9 drivers each.  Erik Eckhardt, with a rocket ship borrowed from Durf Hyson’s stable, blistered the field in the first round robin with a 10 lap victory over second place – a huge margin in the usually close racing that the G-Jet platform yields.  Stez had a tough heat when marshalling damage dislodged his body (well, not HIS body, but the body of his car…), by the time the situation was rectified, his chance at victory had evaporated.  Rob Hayes led the second round robin with an impressive run but he too fell short of toppling Erik from the top podium spot.  Vince Tamburo ran an excellent race to grab the top spot in the amateur division pushing Paul Ryer into second place.  The biggest disappointment of the event had to be Ryan Archambault’s DSQ; after a spectacular run that would have garnished him the top spot in amateur and 4th overall, it was discovered he was using last year’s silicone sponge tires, not this year’s required slip-on tires (As a tech inspector, I should have caught the mistake in pre race inspection; sorry Ryan – JR), expect to see Ryan battling for top honors in future events!  All of this action was occurring while the CMPM Modifieds were still buzzing around the Scorpion practicing for the ECC feature race. 


MARC  G-Jet Results:

                Pro                                                         Amateur

1st           Erik Eckhardt      209                         Vince Tamburo 192

2nd          Rob Hayes           203                         Paul Ryer             190

3rd           John Reimels     199                         Dave Muse         189

4th           Jon Reimels        198                         Peter Lentros    178

5th           Tom Kanan         198                         Chuck Turner     176

6th           John Pileggi        193                         Tom Bussmann 173

7th           John Stezelecki 189                         Tom Smith          172

8th           Tom Gray            181                         Eric Handel          163

9th                                                                           Durf Hyson         161

DSQ                                                                       Ryan Archambault          


With the MARC race positions frozen, the top eight finishers participating in the G-Jet ECC race freshened up their cars for two 5 minute mains.  While Erik once again showed he was the man to beat, this time both Rob and John kept Erik honest by pushing him for the entire race.  The top four finishers were an interesting group, all having participated as a team in the recent 24 Hour LeMans race in Derby, England.  Too bad G-Jets aren’t used for this event…


ECC G-Jet Results (top 4):

1st           Erik Eckhardt                      215

2nd          Rob Hayes                           213

3rd           John Reimels                     210

4th           Jonathan Reimels            204


 CMPM Modifieds

Next up were the CMPM Modifieds.  While a few participants decided to sit this race out, we had Wayne Wallace and Victor Feliciano join the fray bringing the field up to 13.  Three minute qualifiers were run to narrow the field to the top 6 so a 5 minute main could be conducted for the championship.   With the typical carnage that this class generates, especially on a tight, 6 lane track like the Scorpion, the runaway “victor” was none other than Victor Feliciano.  Pushing Victor was Rob Hayes, John Pileggi, Wayne, TK and Bill Bonsma but none could match the speed and reliability of Victor’s car.  (I don’t have official results, if someone could send me the finishing order, I’ll post here – JR).

Super Stocks

As the heat was dissipating from the CMPM Modified race (literally…), Super Stocks were running on the Clubman for the second MARC event of the day.  Dan was able to make it back in time to participate bringing the field up to 17 racers; 6 Amateurs and 11 Pros.  The amateurs took to the track first with Dave Muse breaking away from the field giving the other participants a true thumping!  Paul Ryer tried to stay with Dave but he just didn’t have the horses to compete. 

 With 11 Pros, the field was broken up into 2 round robins; John Pileggi continued his dominance of this class racking up 351 laps to Dan’s 339 and Jonathan Reimels’ 336.  Dr P has won 9 of the last 12 Super Stock races that he’s participated in – true superiority. 


MARC Super Stock Results:

                 Pro                                                                         Amateur

1st           John Pileggi                        351                         Dave Muse                         311

2nd          Dan DiCosmo                     339                         Paul Ryer                             301

3rd           Jonathan Reimels            336                         Vince Tamburo                 288

4th           Wayne Wallace                 330                         Eric Handel                          276

5th           Tom Kanan                         329                         Durf Hyson                         258

6th           Rob Hayes                           325                         Tom Bussmann                 251

7th           Tom Gray                            317

8th           John Reimels                     310

9th           Victor Feliciano                 306

10th         Erik Eckhardt                      304

11th         Bill Bonsma                         202


 Since the day was already getting pretty long, the Super Stock mains for the ECC were cut back to 3 minutes.  Having shaken off the cobwebs in the MARC event, Dan DiCosmo was now ready to take on the field and show them what home field advantage is all about.  Would Dr P’s Super Stock magic last for another race?  As everyone was soon to learn – no… 

 ECC Super Stock Results:

1st           Dan DiCosmo                     211

2nd          Tom Kanan                         206

3rd           John Pileggi                        204

4th           Jonathan Reimels            204

5th           Tom Gray                            199

6th           John Reimels                     193

7th           Victor Feliciano                 184

8th           Wayne Wallace                 156


 Special thanks go out to Dan for hosting this fantastic event, even when he was absent!  Rumors continue to circulate that this could be the last ECC event hosted at the TajMaHO, a facility that we will all truly miss.


Next Up – CMPM Modifieds and 902s at Benny Leyro’s The Danger Zone on Saturday, February 25th