MARC Race 8


March 25, 2023


Various Pro Drivers – Looks like everyone got a ribbon for something

Thirteen racers descended upon the Lenjet empire looking to compete in spec racer on the Purple Mile. The mile is a favorite of HO racers. The sound the cars make buzzing through the banking is something to behold. Add it to your bucket list if you have not already.

The spec racer battle was shortened to 3-Minute per lane versus our usual 5 minute round Robin due to nasty computer gremlins. A big thanks goes out to Dave Muse and Rich Payne for getting us racing.

In the combined round Robin …

Pro division finishing order Ryan 262, John P 255, Tom J with a stout 253, Peter L 240, Tom G 234.

Sportsman order (hope I get this right as top 3 all on same lap ! And I don’t have the sections recorded my apology if incorrect) tied for first Bruce O and Tom B 239 both on same section ! Terry A close behind for 3rd also with a 239 , Mike T 236, Hakim H 234,Josh G 217,Cedric 215, Hal 201.

It was decided as we only had 5 pro drivers destined to race cmpm on the boomerang, pros would run super stock on the champion along with the sportsman and also only 3 minute heats.

Sportsman Podium – Hakim 4th, Terry Ayer 3rd, Tom Bussmann 2nd and Josh G 1st

We had one phone in entry by Dan Decosmo who was up north finishing a job in New Hampshire. He had timed his commute to make the last race for 5 minutes heats …would he get there in time to make the last entry for super stock seeing we shortened the day slightly to 3 minutes per lane ?

With Dan entered as the last driver in the rotation we figured if he didn’t make it we would let another racer unofficially run under his name To keep the lanes clean.

This set up an interesting event.

Dan was ultimately disqualified for not being at the event. His stand in “Dankim” unofficially won the event overall ! The real Dan arrived just a few minuets too late.

Pro finishing order Ryan 209,John P 203, Tom G 197,Peter 196,Tom J 192 , Dan D (Dankim aka Hakim DSQ @ 211!)

Sportsman order …Josh G with his FIRST marc win at 193 just sections ahead of Tom B 193, Terry A 186, Hakim (racing as himself) 183, Bruce o 175, Cedric 167, Hal p 160.

With the shortened second race the action completed a little early several racers stuck around to chat for a while. If we had had enough interest an Iroc would have ensued. Iroc racing is becoming very popular and perhaps the club should continue to consider its inclusion or perhaps a “hand out car format “ of some type at every event. Thoughts always welcome as want to keep interest up and encourage more racers to join in. Keep discussing over next few weeks and the rules meeting.

Again thanks to Peter Lentros for the greatest Slot car playground on earth Tom Gray for leading us this season and everyone that help keep the racing moving and enjoyable.

Keep racin’
