Fiddlehead Raceway, Rochester NH

Attendance this year was the same as last year – 10 hearty souls. Only three were Sportsman. As the winners in this

division move up to Pro, their numbers continue to diminish. We need to recruit some new racers.

The first race of the day was Spec Racer. This is the second time this class has been run at Fiddlehead, so most of the

guys knew the set-up. Bruce pulled down the win in Sportsman with 339 laps, followed by Hal with 328 and Josh one behind with 327. It’s interesting to note that all three Sportsman’s lap totals would place them mid-pack amongst the Pros.

On the Pro side, John set a new track record with 396 laps, bettering his previous record by four laps. Ryan was second

with car trouble in blue, or otherwise would have turned a higher total. Hakim and Paul rounded out the top four. Here

are the total Pro results:

Lunch was next followed by Modified for the Sportsman and CMPM for the Pros. This is the first time that these two

classes have been run at Fiddlehead, so everyone was trying to figure out the set-up.

Josh had to leave, so the Sportsman’s numbers were reduced to two. Once again Bruce took the checkered flag,

completing his sweep for the day. Nice job Bruce!

CMPM on this track is exhausting with the hair pins and high speeds. Five minutes is a looonng time at these speeds! When the dust settled, John took down the win with 451 laps. Ryan, Tom Gray, and Hakim rounded out the podium.

Thanks to all who came! Our next race will be at Terry’s Ralph Spoilsport Speedway on November 9th. Hope to

see you there!